Research shows that you’re more likely to achieve your goals when you write them down. And when those goals are measurable and achievable, success is even more likely. 

At Six Park, our vision is to provide a pathway to financial wellbeing for every Australian. We know that being able to visualise your potential wealth is a powerful tool for investors.

That’s why we’ve built the goal explorer.

Six Park Goal Explorer calculator

The goal explorer is available once you’ve taken our online assessment and receive an investment recommendation or if you’re already a Six Park customer, just login to your Six Park account dashboard.

You can adjust options such as how long you plan to invest, your starting investment amount and any additional contributions you plan to make, and see how your wealth might grow over time, based on Six Park’s targeted returns and the selected risk profile.

Six Park Goal Explorer calculator zoom 2 parts

You can also set goals and see how you’re tracking against them.

The goal explorer includes monthly compounding of investment returns after fees and including an allowance for inflation.

Six Park Goal Explorer calculator zoom

We hope the goal explorer helps you on your pathway to financial wellbeing.

To try out the goal explorer now take our online assessment or login to your Six Park account dashboard.

Get started

Note: the goal explorer is an information tool that provides an indication of possible outcomes, and past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. It is not, nor should it be construed to be, financial advice. Please read the full disclaimer that is available when you’re using the goal explorer.

The estimated growth rate includes monthly compounding of investment returns, and is based on the target annual returns that we have calculated for a diversified portfolio corresponding to the highlighted risk profile, after fees and including an allowance for inflation (calculated at 2.75% p.a. which we consider to be reasonable based on available forecasts). The results are estimates that assume a steady, long-term growth rate – actual amounts will vary significantly from year to year, and the risk of negative returns in some years is generally higher as the weighting towards growth assets such as shares or property increases.

The results of this calculator are shown in future dollars – with an allowance made for inflation in the target returns – and are shown before any personal tax that you may need to pay.

This calculator is not intended to be your sole source of information when making a financial decision. You may wish to consider seeking advice from a licensed financial adviser when making a financial decision.


Published March 23, 2021